Jesus Came With Gifts

So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness (John 1:14, NLT).
There’s an old African saying that goes, “A visitor is a blessing.” For that reason hospitality to guests is a traditional African value. However, the saying works another way as well, because visitors, especially those who come from far away, bring gifts for the children in the family.
More than 2000 years ago, Jesus arrived at our home, the earth. Although he received some gifts at his birth, it was he who came with the greatest gifts of all. He brought his gifts of unfailing love and faithfulness.
Have you ever felt unloved? Have you ever experienced the unfaithfulness of another? Imagine then a world full of love and a faithfulness that never lets you down. Well, they’re the two gifts that Jesus brought with him when he came into the world!
You cannot have love and faithfulness without a relationship, and you cannot have a relationship without a person. That’s why, when Jesus came into the world, he brought these two gifts within himself. As the verse says, Christ was “full of” unfailing love and faithfulness.
Christ didn’t just come to visit; he came to stay (Matthew 28:20). Christ’s extreme love calls for my extreme response. Our hospitality to Christ in our lives should be without limits and without reserve. – Eliezer Gonzalez
Eli’s Reflection: Christ is the great Gift-giver. All we ever do is just share his gifts around. Think of the most annoying person you know. What can you do for them to show them the unfailing love of Christ? Don’t worry if they don’t respond the way you think they should. Do it for no reward.
Courtesy of Good News Unlimited