A few of our recent devotionals

Their Sin is No Excuse

Their Sin is No Excuse

I can recognize a finger-pointer in a heartbeat. I spent so many years being one that I can spot one in a flash. Do you know what I’m talking about? It’s the person who is so focused on pointing the finger at the other person’s sins that he or she can’t see his or her own and won’t do anything about his or her own. It’s the person who even if she acknowledges his or her sin excuses away his or her own wrongdoing by judging and condemning the other person for his or her sin and decides that the other person’s sin is worse and thereby is the perfect justification to continue in one’s own sin.

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A Reason to Believe

A Reason to Believe

Our Lord Jesus was not a pessimist. He was, however, a perfect realist. He said that in the last days, people’s hearts would fail them for fear. He said there will be a time of trouble such as never was, a tribulation so intense that unless God shortened the days, no flesh would be saved. (See Luke 21:26; Matthew 24:21-22 KJV.) Jesus was a realist. Christians must be, too.

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Don’t Do It

Don’t Do It

I started to do it. Then came God’s voice. The Spirit of God living inside me. Telling me NO. Telling me what would be the negative consequences of the action I was about to take. Then my flesh responded. I would do it anyway. I wanted to. I had the right to make up my own mind. I could handle the consequences. But no sooner than I started in the direction the Lord told me not to go than I felt His hand from heaven restrain me. Hold me back. Keep me from going where I was headed. In the wrong direction.

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