Come Back to Jesus!

Come Back to Jesus!


“that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!” Romans 10:9-15

I knew as soon as I saw the young man’s response to my asking how he was that something was dreadfully wrong. I could tell he didn’t want to answer. Not honestly. Not fully. Not really. At all. He wanted to hurry by. Probably because he knew me. Because we had talked before. Several times. About Jesus. The Lord. What ensued took no more than a total of about three or four minutes. But it was so very powerful.

We were headed in different directions. But I turned and went after him. Told him essentially I knew something was wrong. Then out it came. Words I hadn’t planned.

“Come back to Jesus!” I cried. I didn’t just exclaim it. I burst into tears. I can’t remember if I prayed. Can’t remember what exactly else I said. Just know I begged him to turn back to the Lord. And I told him this.

“One day it’s going to be too late!” I exclaimed.

Oh, how I grieved for his soul. For his very life. For how he had turned away. And had not yet turned back.

Then something wild happened. He threw his arms around me. Like a drowning man seeking rescue. And he told me this.

“You’re a sweet lady,” he said resoundingly. “I love you.”

Like a boy to his mother. Like a brother to his sister. Innocent love. Pure love. Kind love. Like a dying man to someone trying to help him.

“I love you too,” I told him as we hugged ever so briefly.

Then off we went in our different directions. Him still headed on the path of destruction. Of his back turned on Jesus. Me back on my path of telling the world about Jesus and how He is the only way to a forever relationship with God. Of how the only way to heaven is Christ. Of how we have to turn from our sins and believe Jesus died to pay our sin punishment and was raised from the dead. Of how true faith in Christ bears the fruit of a life devoted to Jesus. To God and His ways.

By the time I reached my hotel room just minutes later, I started sobbing. Grieving for him. For a lost young man in dire need of Jesus. And for a world so much of which right now is headed for hell and the lake of fire forever apart from God in everlasting torment. I sobbed and sobbed my heart out crying out to God for his salvation, for revival for God’s followers who are lukewarm for him or simply dead with no to little regard for God at all right now, and for an awakening for the world at large, an awakening to Christ. Oh, how I grieved!

Weeping for a lost world whose only hope is Jesus. So much of which simply refuses to budge and turn away from its evil ways and to turn to God through Christ and His righteous ways.

I don’t know if and when the young man will turn back. I know the Lord heard my cries for him. And I know the Lord hears my cries for this world.

How about you, friend? May I ask you this? Have you turned from your sins and received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Is your life truly devoted to Him? Do you bear the fruit of a life lived for Christ? And, if so, are you taking the love, time, and care daily to tell the world about Him? Are you sold out to Jesus? And to telling people the only way to everlasting life is through Christ?

If you are turned away from Jesus, friend, come back to Jesus! Come back to Him now! Seek God’s forgiveness and throw yourself at the feet of Jesus crying out for mercy with true devotion to God and His ways. If you have never committed your life to Him, may now be the time! And, if you already believe in Him as Lord, may you dedicate yourself like never before to living in a manner pleasing and honoring to God with a careful and committed regard to helping people to believe in and forever faithfully follow Him.

May the words you have just read be used by the Lord to light a fire of passionate resolve to live for the Lord Jesus Christ now and forevermore with fervor and indescribable love and dedication to Christ!


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