God Explained Himself to Me

God Explained Himself to Me


“If you love Me, keep My commandments.” John 14:15

 “Therefore you shall love the Lord your God, and keep His charge, His statutes, His judgments, and His commandments always.” Deut. 11:1

“You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.” John 15:14

“This is love, that we walk according to His commandments.” 2 John 6

“But He said, “More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”” Luke 11:28

The Lord told me one day why He was asking me not to do something I had thought on and off for years He might want me to do. Something that made sense to me. Something good. Something that seemed right. In my eyes anyway.

“This is why I’m not asking you to [do this],” His Spirit spoke to my heart.

Drum roll. Here it would come. The big explanation. So I could have the big understanding. So then I could choose to obey Him. If I wanted to.

“Because I’m asking you not to [do this],” He finished.

Yes, finished. His Spirit was done speaking to my heart on the matter. He had very clearly expressed Himself. He wanted me not to do what He didn’t want me to do because He didn’t want me do it. No explanation necessary.

Sometimes, friend, when our circumstances are a certain way, or we face certain challenges, or God clearly wants us to take certain opportunities, or He wants us to change course in a big way or even a small one, or He compels us to make certain decisions, or calls us to go in a certain direction and not another one, or He tells us it’s time to let something or someone go, we expect an explanation from God. We crave understanding. We want Him to give us more information. We want His instructions to make sense. We desire to see the bigger picture. We think we shouldn’t have to obey God until He tells us more. Until He explains Himself.

Jesus Christ is Lord. He owes us no explanation. Not ever. We need to obey God for one simple reason. He is God.

I may never understand why He didn’t want me to do what He didn’t want me to do. Or some day He might give me understanding. Truth is it doesn’t matter. For the Lord God almighty desires and deserves and commands our love and borne from this love should come our obedience. For one sole reason. Jesus Christ is Lord forever!


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