God Tells Us The Truth About Our World

God Tells Us The Truth About Our World

The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. (Psalm 24:1).

The reality of the world is itself evidence for the existence of God. The universe’s fundamental constants fall within a narrow range that is compatible with life. Today, there are 38 recognised cosmic constants. Of these, the most sensitive is the space energy density (the self-stretching property of the universe). Its value cannot vary by more than one part in 10,120, or else life would be impossible.

However, there is more than just mathematics, about the way the world points us to God.

People look at the suffering and evil in the world and see it as evidence that there is no God. Instead, I see it as evidence for God, because God tells us that we live in a world of suffering and evil. I believe in God because this world is exactly what I would expect it to be if there were a God who tells us the truth.

I see a world that is broken and lost in sin, but even so, Christ loves it, and he passionately claims it for himself by virtue of his blood. In the words of Abraham Kuyper,

There is not one square inch in the whole domain of human existence over which Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all, does not exclaim, “It’s Mine!” – Eliezer Gonzalez

Eli’s Reflection: Are you discouraged as you look at the world around you? Today is a new day. Resolve to try to see the world, and the people you will meet today, through the eyes of Jesus. The only way to start to do that is to be overwhelmed by the love of Christ for you, and his Lordship over your life. Why don’t you pray that God will give you that gift now?

Courtesy of Good News Unlimited

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