He Loved Us First

He Loved Us First

To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen (Revelation 1:5–6, NKJV).

I love the sequence of ideas here. God loved us while we were still in need of washing. God loved us and then he washed us. God didn’t wash us clean and then love us. God didn’t free us from bondage of idolatry and darkness, and then say “Okay, I can stand you now.” He loved us first.

He loves us in our sins. “This man receives sinners” (Luke 15:2, KJV). If you can’t believe it, write it on the wall where you sleep – because it’s true. “This man receives sinners.” That’s the essence of the gospel. It’s the best sermon in the Bible, and it was preached by Pharisees!

The Pharisees meant it as a rebuke and a devastating criticism, but the Holy Spirit said, “That’s great! We’ll enshrine that forever in the Book. That’s it! They’ve got it straight. This man receives sinners.”

“Unto him that loved us.” God loved us just as we are; in our bondage, our darkness, our sin and filth, he loved us. – Des Ford

Eli’s Reflection: This is one of the most difficult things for us as human beings to accept, that Jesus receives us just as we are, as sinners. Why don’t you do what is suggested above and write “This man receives sinners. – Luke 15:2) on a card, and put it up in your study or bedroom, or make it into a bookmark. Just put it somewhere where you will be reminded that Jesus receives you.

Courtesy of Good News Unlimited

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