Jesus is Your City of Refuge

Jesus is Your City of Refuge

Appoint for yourselves cities of refuge… that the slayer who kills a person accidentally… may flee there; and they shall be your refuge from the avenger of blood (Joshua 20:3, NKJV).

The cities of refuge were arranged in the land of Canaan so that anyone could reach one of them within half a day at most. In the same way, our salvation is near to us. Jesus is a present Saviour, and the way to salvation is close by. We must simply give up our own merit, and take hold of Jesus, to be our all in all.

The roads leading to the cities of refuge were carefully maintained. So, in our lives, the promises of the Gospel graciously remove the stumbling blocks keep our path smooth. Wherever there were intersections, there were signs put up, pointing the way to the city of refuge. This is a picture of the road to Christ Jesus. This is not the roundabout road of the law; it is not about obeying this, that, or the other. It is a straight road: “Believe, and live.”

No sooner did the murderer reach the outskirts of the city than he was safe. It wasn’t necessary for him to pass far within the walls, but the suburbs themselves were sufficient protection. In the same way, if you do but touch the hem of Christ’s garment, you shall be made whole; if you take hold of him even with “faith as small as a grain of mustard seed,” you are safe. – Charles Spurgeon [adapted]

Eli’s Reflection: We all need a safe place. Is Jesus himself your “safe place”?

Courtesy of Good News Unlimited

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