Moving Heaven and Earth

Moving Heaven and Earth
Ever feel like the Lord is trying to get your attention?  Sometimes I will be having a stressful day, things going wrong, etc. and when I can get away for a break, I’ll find myself talking to the Lord or even praying.  I’m not saying that the Lord made my day bad so that I would pay attention to Him but it is often difficult or stressful times that turn me to Him more than I normally would.  My flesh doesn’t want to take time to pray or fast but tough times bring a sense of urgency to my prayer time, reading, and fasting that might not normally be there – unfortunately.

The Lord is definitely moving in the earth through acts of nature lately.  I’ve never heard of so many fires, landslides, droughts, snow or earthquakes in strange places.  I wonder sometimes if the Lord is trying to get the attention of the people in those areas.  Maybe not but I wonder….  I want the Lord to have my attention at as many idle moments as possible so that my attitude and spirit stays inspired and encouraged.

I hope you all have a wonderful week.  We sure appreciate and love you.  As a note, please e-mail our webmaster or support address with support or website issues – or you could shoot John an e-mail and let him know that you appreciate all his hard work to make ASN better for YOU.   =))))  Thanks!!

Lord bless you,

Sister Kristin Howell  –  Apostolic Singles Network

Moving Heaven and Earth — Hebrews 12:25-29

*Courtesy of “In Touch Ministries”*

The Lord wants our attention, and He will shake our world–both literally and figuratively–in order to get it.

The Old Testament records that to capture mankind’s interest, God moved heaven and earth. Mt. Sinai quaked before Moses received the Ten Commandments (Exodus 19:18-19). God also told Judah He would rattle the world (figuratively) by overthrowing kingdoms, armies, and nations (Haggai 2:20-22).

God shook things up in New Testament times as well. At the crucifixion, an earthquake signaled the destruction of the old way of life and establishment of a new covenant (Matthew 27:51). Shortly afterward, a group of believers was filled with the Holy Ghost, and the ground trembled again (Acts 4:31).

But geological and societal turmoil aren’t simply tactics of the past. God still shakes the world today. Every nation on earth “trembles” with concerns about the environment, health, famine, and its economy. And current issues are but a fraction of the disasters and epidemics that will take place during the Tribulation (Revelation 6). At that time, judgments of all kinds will be unleashed on the earth in order to get people’s attention.

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