Reposition Yourself

Reposition Yourself


“When You said, “Seek My face,”
My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.”” Psalm 27:8

“And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

“You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11

My paralyzed dog Mr. Simeon loves me so much and is so dependent on me that he wants to be able to see me no matter where I am. If I ask people to watch him in his wheelchair while I walk a little distance away. If I go to take a shower. Or go to sleep at night. Or sit on my bed during the day doing my work. He wants to be as close to me as possible. More than anything, he wants to be able to see me. To know where I am. To set his gaze upon me. To behold me.

Mr. Simeon puts his trust totally in me. Having me in sight at all times is exceedingly important to him. So much so that I either need to lift and move his body for him so he can lie on his bed facing me. Or he may even try himself to shift his head and body enough to get me in view. Mr. Simeon must reposition himself or be repositioned in order to be content. If he finds that his focus is not on me, he wants to be repositioned so that it is. Not all the time, as he does love his naps and such. But much of the time!

Friend, we need to continually reposition ourselves so our focus is on the Lord. We need to so love Him, depend on Him, trust in Him, and believe in Him and be so devoted to Him and so desire to worship Him, serve Him, and adore Him that we reposition our hearts and eyes to behold the Lord and His Word. When we find ourselves without the Lord at the forefront of our hearts and minds and lives, we need to reposition ourselves so He is exalted above all else. We need to shift our position. We need to move our focus.

When we become distracted, we need to turn back to Him. When we get off course, we need to move back to Him. When we are worried, we need to cast away the worry and look to Him. We should reposition our very minds to focus on Him and the things He wants us to think about. We are humans. We fall short. We get off course. We do become distracted. And when this happens, we need to reposition ourselves. Not just our minds. But our actions also. We need to reposition ourselves anytime we find our focus off the Lord and are not living according to His will and ways.

Why? Because the Lord Jesus Christ is to be the number one priority in our lives. Our number one love. Lord over everything in our lives hearts included. His Word is to be our road map for living. Our hearts are to be His. We need to be in the position of communing with Him, of being in His fellowship, of being so close to Him that we can sense His Spirit leading us day in and day out.

We are to desire and strive to be intimately and humbly in His presence as much as we can be! We should so love the Lord and be so committed to Him and dependent upon Him that we don’t want to let Him out of our sight! Repositioning our hearts, minds, and lives to orient ourselves toward the Lord and His will for us should be a part of the very essence of our lives.

Do you need to reposition yourself friend?


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