You Find Grace Everywhere

You Find Grace Everywhere

Oh, how can I give you up, Israel? …My heart is torn within me, and my compassion overflows (Hosea 11:8, NLT.)

The minor prophets are the “forgotten books” of the Bible, yet you will find that even they are filled with the grace of God.

Let me give you their message in a nutshell. It consists of judgment and salvation, of controversy and consolation, of condemnation and comfort. Every message of rebuke in the minor prophets comes with a promise of forgiveness. The mercy of God is the great theme in the writings of each of the minor prophets, just as it is in the New Testament and all the rest of Scripture. Because of our sins, judgment comes. But God intends it to turn our faces from this world to heaven, so we can find supreme good.

To whet your appetite, here are some of the verses from the minor prophets that most resonate with my heart. I pray that they will inspire you as well: Hosea 2:14-15,19,20; 6:6; 11:1,3,48,9; 14:4. Micah 6:36-8;7:8,18-19.

Meditate on the fact that the books of the minor prophets begin with a love story in Hosea chapters 1-3, and then the message of the last book (Malachi) begins with the words “I have loved you” (Malachi 1:2).

Love is always the essence of God’s message to humanity, even in the forgotten books of the Bible. ­ – Des Ford

Eli’s Reflection: The Old Testament contains some odd, and even shocking, stories. Pick one of them. How does it show God’s love and grace? You may need to study this for an extended time. 

Courtesy of Good News Unlimited

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