A Spiritual Pottery Lesson


I really enjoyed this devotional today. Someone close to me once said that “when we’re not doing what God wants us to do, He has a way of making us do it anyway”. I love the lines in the devotional text below that reads, “The Potter maneuvers the drifting saint back into position and begins remolding. He never discards His vessels but tirelessly works to perfect them”. Wow. The Lord loves me enough not to throw me away as the world would but to keep working and working to make me more like Him. And sometimes it can be painful when the Lord has to smooth out my lumps and gashes. But I am a lot more attractive once He does. I’m so thankful that I serve a God who wants to know me in an intimate way – who cares if I’m bruised, who cares about the smallest details of my life.

Lord bless,
Sister Kristin Howell
Apostolic Singles Network

A Spiritual Pottery Lesson — Isaiah 64:8
*Courtesy of “In Touch Ministries”*

A man decided to take a cue from the prophet Jeremiah, who visited a potter’s studio at the Lord’s request (Jeremiah 18:1-6). So he stopped by an art institute to observe a class– the sole purpose was to better understand the biblical metaphor of God as the Potter and people as the clay. Here’s what he learned when he walked into a room full of whirring pottery wheels.

The Potter has power over the clay. He can do what He chooses. We humans do have limited free will, but God’s will is greater. So even if we try to resist His sculpting hand, He continues to work toward His purpose. The master Craftsman has set out to achieve a particular design in us, and He has a plan to make it take shape.

The Potter works the clay with patience. Since God knows that spiritual maturity can’t be rushed, He forms our Christ-like character slowly–one experience at a time. That means He must also have perseverance, as human clay sometimes shifts off-center and becomes misshapen. Just as clay can be fashioned only when it sits precisely in the middle of the wheel, Christians must be in the Lord’s will to grow spiritually. The Potter maneuvers the drifting saint back into position and begins remolding. He never discards His vessels but tirelessly works to perfect them.

Our God is a personal Potter. His creations reflect His personality and character. And His Spirit desires to be poured into each human vessel so He can be an intimate part of our life. The result is a work of true beauty–a saint wholly committed to Him.

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