Grace-Filled Speech

‘Tis the season – to be kind.  =)  Of course it always is but sometimes we need a reminder of how powerful words can be – for good and for bad.  Being godly isn’t all about being modest in your lifestyle and dress but in your speech as well.  Matthew 15:11 reads, “Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.”  So next time you stump your toe, someone takes your parking spot or you start to say something to hurt or embarrass someone, stop and think about what you’re really doing.  Pause for one moment with your mouth closed and think about who you are and the opportunity you have every day to be a light to the masses or to blend in with them.

Well we appreciate you all and hope you have a great week!

Lord Bless You,

Sister Kristin Howell
Apostolic Singles Network

Grace-Filled Speech — Titus 2:7-8
*Courtesy of “In Touch Ministries”*

Words are powerful. Harsh remarks can cause a destructive chain reaction, like a match in the forest during a drought. Kind comments feel like a light summer rain that brings relief from the heat of day.

We can know our words are the refreshing, kind & seasoned with grace when:

  • Our tone and manner reflect the way we want others to speak to us. Talking pleasantly should not depend on whether others are kind with their words. Grace-filled speech consistently uses a gentle voice and positive body language.
  • What we say about others is similar to what we would want said of us. All of us hope to hear our weaknesses minimized and our strengths emphasized–and to be given the benefit of the doubt in confusing situations.
  • We speak only words we know to be true. Gossip and lies have no place in a Christian’s conversation. The Lord opposes lying tongues and false witnesses (Proverbs 6:16-19).
  • Our speech is edifying. Speaking fairly and positively of others is part of godly speech.

Transforming our conversation begins on the inside with the right heart attitude. As we saturate our minds with the Word of God, our hearts will soften, and we’ll begin to respond differently. Through the Holy Ghost, we will be convicted of times when our speech is inappropriate. He will teach us to be more aware of what we say and to stop ourselves before we speak amiss.

God will be glorified and others will be blessed when we practice grace-filled speech.

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